Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Universal Loving Kindness & Integral Assessment

Hello Everyone,

After completing the universal Loving Kindness exercise I felt as if a sense of relieve had been lifted from my mind.  I felt has if I had forgiven everyone that had upset me and I felt a sense of joy after completing the exercise.  The exercise allowed me to have a love everyone not just a personal love and it allowed me to wish the best on everyone.  I really enjoyed the exercise and I definitely recommend that everyone try it.  It allows for an expansion in the mind and heart and allows for an individual to avoid anger and hatred. 

During the Integral Assessment exercise I found it to be relaxing and allowed me to focus on one concept instead of multiple concepts.  This exercise was definitely helpful because it allowed me to focus on the growth that I needed and I was allowed to commit to the one area.  The area that I decided to focus on during this exercise was the psychospiritual area.  The reason that I decided to focus on this area was because my mind needs more training and the concept is seems to take the most time to master.  I believe that the reason for this is because it involved psychological growth and spiritual growth.  The first exercise that can help me in my growth with this area is meditation.  This will allow me to have focus during a certain time of the day for growth and will allow me to train the mind to focus on a certain point.  Also, pray can help me with this area because it allows me to be in a quiet area where I can be alone but also pray to a higher power.  Both of these exercises will allow me to become more familiar with the pyschospiritual aspect of wellness and get me one step closer to overall wellness.


  1. Hi Charles,

    First of all, I would like to thank you for sharing your honest and most heartfealt experience in regards to all the exercises and posts. Your blog post for this week shows deep reflection within yourself. You have provided such wonderful and reflective post and I am so inspired. I agree that the universal loving kindness practice was one exercise that can really take a huge weight off one's shoulders. Although it was short, it was very powerful in ways of alleviating hatred imbedded in one's heart. I am so glad you were able to experience the same feelings I did. Having said that, I am so glad you would recommended to others because I would do so to. I wish you the best of luck and look forward again to reading more of your reflective posts.

  2. The loving-kindess exercise did the same for me. My roomate and i were in a bit of an argument and than i did this exercise and just mellowed me right out. All this meditation stuff is relativly new for me but i think im starting to let myself settle a little into it and its not quite so awkard.

  3. Hi Charles,
    I felt the same way about the universal loving-kindness. You just come out of that feeling the love and feeling better about yourself and the world. I cannot describe how good I felt afterwards. I felt free of those negative thoughts. The integral assessment I thought was good to because like you said it allowed you to focus on one area of your life rather than everything. It gives you the opportunity to really think about where you need the change and how to make the change and then of course do the change. I found it enlightening. I think that your exercises would also work for me. Meditation is a great way to just clear the mind and refresh yourself and prayer is always helpful. When I pray I can be very real and honest because I know that whatever I say will not go anywhere else. Great job.

  4. Great job, Charles. As always, I enjoy all that you have to say because I get so much from your outlook on most of the topics that you talk about. As in life, focusing on one area at a time is key. I have found out that multi tasking is not really a good way to get things done. One thing at a time, done well, still gets you to the end result. Sometimes you are able to accomplish more, when you do one thing at a time. This is such a learned lesson and hopefully I will be able to train my mind and change the way I perceive things, so I can make a difference in my life and the achievements that I will make, as well the ways that I get them done.

    Thanks and look forward to your next post. By the way, I would appreciate if you would subscribe to my blog because I really would like to talk back and forth an dbe able to learn more from you.


  5. Hey Charles,

    Thank you so much for you post, like you I too found that my psycho-spirituality needs work. I will also utilize meditation and also things like yoga and Tia Chi to help me gain better insight on my inner consciousness. I am trying to participate in the subtle mind and the loving kindness exercises, some days are better than other though.
